Widely acknowledged as one of the most prominent flag-bearers for Techno globally and a regular fixture inside the world’s most distinguished DJ booths.
Deborah De Luca has the unique ability to transfix crowds with her electrically charged, technically nuanced sets, fusing hard techno with minimal grooves, and melodic soundscapes, to absorbing effect.
Deborah is unrivalled in her determination and passion, earning every part of her current status as one of the most exciting talents to emerge from the international Techno scene over the past decade, delivering high-energy performances at huge international festivals and intimate nightclubs, to performing breath-taking live shows broadcast to millions worldwide.
Passionate and industrious, charismatic yet introverted, Deborah De Luca has already left an indelible mark on the music industry, and she’s only just getting started.
Look out for Deborah De Luca’s album ‘She Sleeps’ to be released on May 15th via Sola_mente Records.
Balance Selections Q+A
Name: Deborah De Luca
Location: Napoli, Italia
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deborahdelucadj
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/deborahdelucadj
Alias/Producer name: Deborah De Luca
Labels affiliated with: Sola_mente Records
My last 3 releases:
Deborah De Luca – Eyes
Deborah De Luca – Acqua Gelida
Deborah De Luca – Ahno
What music did you listen to as a child?
I used to spend a lot of time as a child listening to music with my father. He had a big collection of 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s pop music vinyl, which we used to listen to every afternoon. One of my earliest and fondest memories was blowing the needle of the record player when I was around 5 years old.
When was the first time that you realized that you liked electronic music?
When I first heard my father play Madonna’s album ‘Like A Prayer’ vinyl from 1989. It was the first time I’d heard sounds different from the usual pop, and I was hooked.
When was the first time you saw a DJ in a club?
The first time I ever saw a DJ play in a club was in 2006 when Scarlett Etienne came to Riccione in Italy. I was very impressed with her sound and it was that moment that I decided I wanted to become a DJ.
Which producers/artists/acts inspire you?
I am not inspired by anyone in particular. I am myself for better or for worse, and I have my own way to see music and interpret it. But Nina Kraviz always deserves to be mentioned — for me, she has forged a new way of listening to and creating music.
What was the last album that you downloaded/bought?
The last album I listened to was the Dirty Dancing soundtrack. I still find great inspiration in this, even after thirty years.
What releases do you have on the horizon?
My brand new 13-tack album ‘She Sleeps’ will be released on May 15th!
Where can we hear you perform?
For now, all concerts and events are unfortunately on stand by because of Coronavirus outbreak.
Tell us more about the podcast you made for Balance?
My mix I created for Balance Selections is a preview of my new album mixed with some other tracks I’m loving at the moment to create a short, but intense journey.
My Recommendations
The top track in my DJ wallet currently is:
At the moment I am very proud of the first track of my new album ‘AS WILD AS YOU WANNA BE”. It makes me want to listen to it a thousand times, and it’s strange because after you finish them you don’t want to listen to them any more!
If I could recommend only one of my tracks for you to listen to it would be:
I think I would recommend ‘DEEP INSIDE ME’. It’s a little old, I think 6 years ago, but it’s one of my favourites. Totally different mood from what I do today!
The last movie I watched that I really liked:
I love watching old movies, especially 60’s and 70’s Italian comedies. The last ones I saw were ‘Anatra All’arancia’ (Duck in Orange Sauce) a beautiful 70’s film with Monica Vitti.
My favourite TV show:
I don’t have a favourite TV programme. Luckily, I don’t waste must time watching ‘programmes’ on TV ☺️
Balance Selections 125: Deborah De Luca
1. The Funk Brothers feat. Sabrina Belmo – I Can’t Get Enough of Your Love (N.O.B.A & Timerman remix)
2. Noseda – Girl on Fire
3. H! Dude – Endoloris
4. Acid Clubbers – Mind
5. ID – Time
6. FBK – Headless (Len Faki Hardspace mix)
7. SRVD – Twitch
8. Deborah De Luca – 21 Days
9. Deborah De Luca – Fuori
10. Deborah De Luca – Amanda Lear
11. Sebastian Groth – Snow Leopard
12. Keith Carnal – Backstage Gathering